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Do not make these 5 mistakes to increase the battery life of your electric scooter.

There has been a huge increase in the demand for electric scooters. In such a situation, the first thing people face is battery problem. If you are also struggling with battery problems, then know in this news how the electric scooter can be charged properly, so that the battery life increases.

There has been a good increase in the sales of electric vehicles in the country in a very short time. During this period, the demand for electric two wheelers has been highest. If we look at the sales in the past, it is clear that people have bought electric scooters extensively. But during this period some concerns have also come to light. The biggest problem faced by electric scooters is its battery life. Changing the battery of electric scooters is also a very expensive deal Know here how you can make the battery of electric scooters last longer.

Do not overcharge electric scooters

The main reason for the quick deterioration of the battery of electric scooters is excessive charging of its battery. If you want to extend the battery life of electric scooters, never overcharge the battery pack. This has a negative impact on the life of the battery as well as the electric scooter. Apart from this, it also sometimes causes fire.

Do not charge the battery pack when it is hot.

It has been seen many times that excessive use of electric scooters causes their batteries to overheat. In such a situation, you should avoid charging the hot battery pack. After a long ride with an electric scooter, one should not put it on charging immediately. By doing this you can increase the capacity of the battery pack

Use of certified charger

Many people use fake chargers to charge electric scooters. In such a situation, you should always charge the electric scooter from a certified charger at the charging station. By doing this you will be able to protect both the battery and the scooter of the electric scooter.

Don’t let the battery reach the last point

There are many people who charge the electric scooter after its battery is completely exhausted. Because of this, the performance of the battery is adversely affected. You always have to take care that the battery pack never goes to the last position. This is very important for the safety of the electric scooter

Avoid using fast charger

People often charge electric scooters with fast chargers. Because of this the battery pack gets charged quickly. But there is more pressure on the battery. This reduces battery life and also has a negative impact on range.

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